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10 Signs You Need To Visit Your Dermatologist In Your 20s

The journey through your twenties is a time filled with excitement, growth, and self-discovery. While it’s the decade where you make memories and set the foundation for your future, it’s also a time when your skin, hair, and overall well-being may need some extra attention.

To help you navigate this crucial period in life, we sought expert insights from Dr. Akanksha Sanghvi, a leading Aesthetic Dermatologist and the founder of Oprava Aesthetics. Here are the ten telltale signs that should prompt you to visit a dermatologist in your 20s, and what you can do to keep your skin and hair in the best possible condition.

10 Signs You Need To Visit Your Dermatologist In Your 20s

1. You are suffering from unexpected acne and scarring

If you find yourself battling acne-prone skin or are experiencing sudden breakouts, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist, says Dr. Sanghvi. Seeking professional guidance is essential to determine the appropriate daily skincare products and obtain a tailored prescription for acne after identifying the root cause. Your dermatologist will evaluate the severity of your acne, grading it on a scale from 1 to 4, and recommend in-clinic treatments accordingly. In cases where acne has led to scarring and pigment marks, you may receive recommendations for treatments like laser toning, Erbium Yag Laser, fractional laser, chemical peels, or MNRF (Microneedling Radiofrequency) to address these concerns.

2. You are getting premature fine lines

Ageing is a natural process, and it’s typical to notice fine lines and uneven skin tone by your early 30s. However, if you’re experiencing signs of ageing earlier or are interested in preventive measures, consulting a dermatologist is a valuable step. Your dermatologist will evaluate your lifestyle choices and genetic factors to determine the underlying causes of premature ageing. Based on your age and specific needs, they may recommend appropriate treatments, which can range from platelet-rich plasma therapy to radiofrequency skin tightening. Additionally, you might be advised to incorporate serums or skincare products containing hyaluronic acid and retinol for added benefits in your skincare routine.

3. Your skin is itchy and you get frequent rashes

Persistent itching and frequent rashes warrant a visit to your dermatologist. To identify the root cause, your doctor may recommend tests and take a detailed medical history. Itching can be a result of various conditions, including eczema, urticaria, or fungal infections, all of which need prompt attention.

4. You are facing hair thinning and hair fall

Hair loss and thinning hair should be addressed as soon as possible. Dermatologists can categorise your hair loss and evaluate potential triggers like genetics, hormonal imbalances, surgery, or pregnancy. This evaluation is crucial in devising an effective treatment plan, which might include platelet-rich plasma or growth factor concentrate for hair rejuvenation.

5. You have blemishes on your shoulders and back

If you’re dealing with acne on your back or shoulders, or if you have residual marks from past breakouts in these areas, seeking treatment is crucial to prevent further eruptions. Your dermatologist will assess whether it’s back acne or folliculitis based on the pattern and type of breakouts. Sometimes, folliculitis can have a fungal component that resembles back acne. In such cases, a combination of antifungal and antibacterial creams may be prescribed for your back, along with salicylic acid-based washes or lotions to effectively manage the condition. Additionally, you have the option of back peels and treatments for addressing marks resulting from prior acne.

6. You’re experiencing excessive sweating

Sweating is a natural bodily function, but when excessive perspiration occurs without the usual triggers like heat or exercise, it’s essential to seek evaluation, as it could be a sign of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis can be treated through a range of approaches, which are determined after a careful assessment of the specific type and cause. These treatments may include medications, antiperspirants, iontophoresis, and botulinum toxin injections.

7. For Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction is an effective method that employs a diode, laser, or multi-wavelength laser to target body hair follicles, ultimately leading to permanent hair reduction. To begin laser hair reduction, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist who can determine the number of sessions and the timeframe needed to achieve satisfactory results. Additionally, they may assess you for underlying hormonal issues like PCOD before commencing the laser sessions. This virtually painless treatment typically involves 8 to 10 initial sessions for significant hair reduction, with the option of maintenance sessions based on your specific hair regrowth.

8. You have brittle nails

Brittle nails may be indicative of various internal issues that warrant evaluation, potential nutritional deficiencies requiring attention, or underlying skin conditions that can progressively make nails brittle. Consulting a dermatologist can help pinpoint the cause of brittle nails and provide tailored treatment. They may recommend biotin supplements to enhance overall nail health. Additionally, nail infections, such as fungal nail infections, might require treatment with antifungal nail lacquers and laser therapy over several months to effectively address the issue.

9. You’re diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD/ PCOS) is the spectrum of hormonal disorder that tends to occur in young women and can present with side-effects such as irregular periods, acne, weight alterations, new hair growth on chin, or hirsutism and hair loss in partings. Your dermatologist will be able to recommend some hormonal tests that can help understand your PCOS and offer appropriate solutions. You may require supplementary procedures to effectively tackle your acne. Laser hair reduction is suitable for addressing excess hair growth, while treatments like platelet-rich plasma and growth factor concentrate can stimulate hair growth on the scalp.

10. You have hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone

If you’re experiencing changes in skin pigmentation, your dermatologist can assist in identifying the underlying cause, whether it’s melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, lichen planus pigmentosus, ashy dermatosis, or another condition. They may suggest appropriate skin treatments to both address the pigmentation issue and treat the underlying skin condition, helping to achieve a more even skin tone.

In your 20s, a proactive approach to skincare and overall health is essential. By recognising these ten signs and seeking the guidance of a dermatologist, you can ensure that you’re taking the right steps to maintain your youthful appearance and well-being throughout this exciting decade of your life. Remember, your skin and hair are an investment, and with the right care, you can enjoy a vibrant and confident future.