
tradwife trend

Decoding The Viral ‘Tradwife’ Phenomenon

In the fast-paced world of social media, trends come and go like fleeting gusts of wind. However, one trend seems to have dug its heels firmly into the digital landscape: the rise of the ‘Tradwife’ phenomenon. With hashtags like #tradwife racking up millions of views on TikTok, it’s time to unravel the allure, controversies and implications of this

Relationship break up

Why Are Men On The Internet Being Asked To ‘Name A Woman’?

Can you name a woman within a microsecond? You might have to keep the answer ready as a viral trend going around the Internet has women asking their partners to name the first woman they can think of. The ‘Name a Woman’ trend originated from a now-viral clip from Billy Eichner’s show Billy On The Street where he approached a woman with a dollar bil

Snail Girl Era

Are You Ready To Enter The ‘Snail Girl Era’?

Raise your hand if you had (or have, no judgments!) a mug/diary/poster emblazoned with the word ‘Girl Boss’ in cheerful calligraphy. The Tumblr era of the 2010s glamourised the hustle culture, encouraging women to give their career and professional life their all. The Gen Zs of 2023, however, refuse to subscribe to the phenomenon. Over the past few
