© Samantha Prabhu Samantha Prabhu Fitness Tips

5 Times Samantha Prabhu Served Lessons In Fitness

Samantha Ruth Prabhu is one of the fittest actors in the South Indian film industry and an inspiration for many. Beyond her successful Telugu and Tamil films, Prabhu is known for her dedication towards improving her physical and mental health. And so, from aerial yoga and equipment-free full body workouts to rope and weight training, it’s no surprise that her workouts are anything but basic.

If you’re looking for fitness inspiration this week, take cues from the star and add these fun workouts to your at-home sessions.

No equipment? No problem!

Prabhu once posted a video of herself on Instagram trying out the #Levelupchallenge. This full body workout, not only is equipment free but also promotes a well-balanced physique. To try this out at home, you can begin with squats, along with jumping lunges, static squats, burpees, leg raisers and mountain climbers to work all your muscle groups. This workout will burn oodles of calories and also take up a lesser amount of time, leaving room for other activities.

Cycle your stress away

While cycling had a major moment in the fitness industry for the last couple of years, it goes beyond being just a trend. It’s a great outdoor training activity that you can safely try with your friends, like Prabhu. Since it’s a low impact exercise, it builds consistency, improves your leg strength and core while also improving cardiovascular health.

Work out with friends

While rope training has been around for a while, you can take things up a notch like Prabhu by introducing playful competition in your routine. Rope in your friends or family (literally) and burn calories to gain that thrilling endorphin rush. This exercise is known for increasing mobility and boosting your range of movement in your shoulders, arms, knees and feet, while simultaneously sculpting full body muscles.

Aerial yoga

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go,” shared Prabhu in an Instagram post. And nothing promotes balance and flexibility more than aerial yoga. Admittedly, aerial yoga is picturesque, and looks too technical to be beginner friendly. But you don’t need to be an acrobat — far from it — to learn and love this yoga variation. And, with the right instructor, you will ace these workouts in no time. This thrilling form of exercise is great for your abs because the benefit of taking your routine off the ground is that you lose your point of stability and start to engage your core immediately without even realizing it.

Lift different types of weights

If you’ve never lifted weights before and are looking for a sign, then this is it. Weight lifting, also known as resistance training, can lead you towards a toned body, increased muscle mass and strengthened bones and joints. Beyond fitness, it also regulates metabolism so you can burn calories even while resting. Weight lifting isn’t just about bulking up and building muscle mass, the experts say. Its benefits include improved posture, better sleep, gaining bone density, maintaining weight loss, boosting metabolism, lowering inflammation and staving off chronic disease, among a laundry list of positives.