© Food Network Cloud Eggs

Make Your Mornings Even Brighter With Some Cloud Eggs

Junior Digital Writer

Indulging in a daily dose of protein is a must for a good, nutritious diet, but what if you could make your everyday eggs look like they’re right out of a Pinterest board? Pay attention because we found yet another food trend that makes your eggs look like literal clouds! And while these eggs look exceptionally perfect, they also happen to taste good. So, turn up your breakfast game with some easy-to-make eggs that’ll make your mornings a lot brighter.


  • Eggs
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Nonstick Cooking Spray
  • Brioche Toast (For Serving)


Step 1: Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees Farenheit. While it’s preheating, take a baking tray, add a parchment sheet and spray some non-stick cooking spray on it.

Step 2: Take an egg and separate the egg whites into a medium-sized bowl and the yolk in a small bowl. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat it with an electric mixer until the texture is white and foamy. This might take up to two to three minutes.

Step 3: Once the egg whites are frothy, take four large spoonfuls of the mixture and add it to the baking sheet. Make the egg whites look like a cloud and make a small well in the middle of each cloud with the back of a spoon. Make sure that the middle well is deep enough to hold the egg yolk.

Step 4: Then, bake the egg white clouds until they are firm and slightly brown on the edges. This might take up to five to six minutes. Once they are ready, take the baking tray out and gently pour a single yolk into the wells of each of the clouds. Take them back to the oven and bake them for about three to four minutes, until the edges of the yolk are set but not too firm.

Step 5: Once they’re ready, season the eggs with some salt and pepper and serve with some toasted brioche bread. And there you have it, cloud eggs!