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Here Are Queen Elizabeth’s Favourite Foods Of All Time

Junior Digital Writer

In the last seven decades since Queen Elizabeth took over the throne, we have seen a true evolution in the world. But whatever may come and go, nothing got in the way of Her Majesty’s love for food, which was shared with the entire world. Let’s look back at Her Majesty’s favourite dishes that she loved to indulge in.

Gin Cocktails

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Her Majesty’s special love for gin was so strong that she released a brand of gin, which was made in Buckingham Palace and Sandringham House. The gin was made out of ingredients that were grown in the gardens of those two locations. She particularly loved a good gin cocktail, preferably a gin martini or a gin and Dubonnet.

Crustless Tea Sandwiches

The queen loved a good traditional British tea and snack, but her favourite were the crustless tea sandwiches that she enjoyed every day. Recently the recipe of her favourite tea sandwich made headlines, with people around the world recreating Her Majesty’s jam and butter sandwiches at home.

Earl Grey Tea

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A true English lady, the Queen always started her day with a hot cup of Earl Grey tea, a traditional bergamot-scented black tea that she loved to have with just milk and no sugar. Her love for this drink made it the fifth most popular tea flavour in the world.

Chocolate Biscuit Cake

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Her Majesty’s sweet tooth always pushed her to indulge in some delicious desserts, especially if they were made wuith chocolate. But Queen Elizabeth’s favourite dessert was a cake made out of egg ganache and tea biscuits with a layer of chocolate! This was the dessert she loved to have every day. There were times when she had her chef transport the chocolate biscuit cake from Buckingham Palace to Windsor! The Queen was truly loyal to chocolate.