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5 Types Of Braided Buns And How To Style Them

Ever had one of those days when your hair rebels against the idea of cooperating? Welcome to the club. Picture this: you have an unexpected Zoom call scheduled in the next five minutes, your hair’s gone rogue, and the blow dryer is nowhere to be found. Fear not, because the classic bun and its stylish companion, the braided bun, are here to save the day.

It’s not just about fixing your hair; it’s about doing it with a touch of flair. A saviour on lazy days and a staple for last-minute meetings, the bun has proven itself to be the plain-white tee of hairstyles. So, let’s explore the world of effortlessly cool braided buns—your secret weapon for those effortlessly chic fashion moves.

5 Braided Buns To Try

1. Braided Low Bun: Understated Elegance

For those seeking sophistication with a touch of simplicity, the braided low bun is your go-to choice. Achieve a smooth, polished look by brushing your hair back into a low ponytail. Incorporate a subtle braid into the ponytail before wrapping it into a neat bun. This style is a testament to the idea that less is more, offering a refined aesthetic that works seamlessly for professional settings or a night out on the town.

2. Braided Space Buns: Cosmic Vibes

Ready to unleash your inner celestial goddess? Look no further than braided space buns. Part your hair down the middle and create two high ponytails at the crown of your head. Braid each ponytail and wrap them into playful buns. This quirky and fun style adds a touch of whimsy to your look, making it ideal for music festivals, casual gatherings or any time you want to channel some out-of-this-world vibes.

3. Double Braided Dutch Bun: Elevate The Classics

Taking the traditional bun to new heights, the double braided dutch bun is a stylish twist on the familiar. Begin by parting your hair down the middle, creating two Dutch braids on either side. Gather them into a bun at the nape of your neck, intertwining the braids for a put-together look. This style seamlessly combines the elegance of braids with the timeless appeal of a bun, making it perfect for both casual outings and formal events.

4. Half-Braided Bun: Effortless Chic

Perfect for those who prefer a more laid-back style, the half-braided bun combines the ease of a half-up hairstyle with the charm of braids. Simply gather the top half of your hair into a loose bun at the crown of your head, leaving the rest to cascade freely. Integrate a loose braid into the gathered section for a carefree yet chic appearance.

5. Ponytail Braided Bun: Flirty Fun

Start with a high ponytail, weave a casual braid down its length, and then transform it into a laid-back bun. This style effortlessly combines the playful energy of a ponytail with the sophisticated ease of a bun, giving you the best of both worlds. Perfect for casual outings or when you want to rock that chic vibe without breaking a sweat.

So, whether you’re attending a formal event, dancing under the stars at a music festival or simply conquering another workday, let the braided bun be your style companion—the newest ‘it’ hairstyle on the block that effortlessly combines sophistication with trendiness.