Sumaya Dalmia for The Clique© HelloIndia

Celebrity Trainer Sumaya Dalmia Debunks Fitness Myths

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Chaiti Narula

Celebrity fitness trainer Sumaya Dalmia joins me on the latest episode of The Clique this week to debunk some fitness myths. At the age of 40, she has kept her body in top shape and can easily pass off for a teenager. And no, it is not the botox but those who are aware of her biological age wonder what she does to stay in such great shape. The answers are not hidden at the bottom of some miraculous protein shake or an unrealistic workout plan.

Her approach to fitness is to not set in line with the unrealistic beauty standards of today. Rather, her goal is to stay fit and love the body you live in. She busts myths related to fitness, food, nutrition, workout regimes and gets totally candid about what many people are doing wrong in their quest to gain a healthy body.

Watch this episode with Sumaya Dalmia on The Clique to develop a simple yet effective workout regime that can potentially reverse your biological age!

Watch the latest episode here: