© HelloIndia Horoscopes For January First Week

Your Horoscope For The First Week Of January, 2023

Sheetal Dewan

It’s a brand new year and with that comes the possibilities of new love, success, travel and so much more. So, we’re starting off the year with the your horoscope for the first week, just so that you start the week on a happy, poitive note.

So, without further ado, here’s what the stars have in store for you in the first week of the new year.



Welcome Aries to a new year full of emotional highs, gains, and strength. It’s a new playground that gives you the opportunity to introspect what you truly want and help put it out there. You can create miracles once you know what you want. So journal and write down your thoughts. The movement of a couple of planets here wants you to slow down to take stock before you speed up.



It’s going to be a week of productivity and a year of abundance, Tauras. Dont mistake the ease of this week to be the flavor of the year. You’re sitting in a roller-coaster of new opportunities that is just about starting, so gear up. On a personal note, this is a brilliant time for you to plan and create a schedule for how you want to spend your time, money, and energy in this coming year.



Your curiosity about how things work in your professional space and your ability to communicate wisely in your personal space will be your guiding light this year Gemini. The decisions you make this week are for your tribe and your family, so be gentle. Playing the role of a dictator at this point in time serves no one.



Welcome Moonchild to a new year where your internal strength will light up your path. It will also give you immense growth and the ability to climb every emotional and social mountain. Learn to believe in yourself. Your social circle gives you the opportunity to successfully create a new audience that will absolutely love you. But, most importantly, think about yourself before you start helping the world.



Hello Leo, welcome to a wonderful year of discovering yourself. The first week of the year leads you towards realingmant and self-healing. Just remember, you’re the hero of your story; playing second fiddle will no longer suit you. Make sure you don’t get involved in someone else’s emotional drama. Not your monkey, not your circus love. You no longer need to be the ringmaster in a random setting.



It’s a new world order Virgo. This year will give you the ability to change the narrative professionally, in a good way. This week, however, is about you reassessing your value system and laying down clear boundaries personally with parents and financially with yourself. Be bold in your choices, dear one. Listen to your instincts and your world will be a happy place.



Dear Libra, you finally need to look into your personal goals, aspirations, and finances this year. Listening to your partner is the way to go for you. It’s important that you learn to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically, by taking baby stepts this week towards your professional goals and desires. Make a plan and follow it.



Welcome Scorpio, to a year that asks you not to confuse yourself. Be cautious, in regards to your finances and your approach towards dealing with staff. You are in a year that says pay attention to how you speak to your loved ones and to a week where you must learn to communicate with clarity. The reality is that in the process of wanting to keep everyone happy, you make yourself most unhappy.



It’s going to be a week of closure for you Dear Archer. This year asks you to initially relax and reboot your mind. You won’t be able to hold onto the past any longer because it serves no purpose. Just let go of toxic relationships, dear one. You need to understand that you’re the best thing that ever happened to your reality. If you choose to believe in yourself, then even the sky can’t limit you.



It’s a year where your ability to dive deeper into your intuition is something you must look at cultivating Capricorn. Calm your mind by meditation and affirmations. Your patience shall run thin while dealing with idiots at work. However, communicate diplomatically, to deal with any kind of disagreements. Pay attention to your own sanity and make sure no one distrupts your mindset. You should use this week to socialise and have some fun.



Welcome Aquarius to a new year full of potential, prosperity, and the ability to be financially successful. Now, what you do with this potential and how you chalk out your plans into reality is all up to you. Take measured stepts towards making decisions. Being temperamental and overly emotional helps no one. Your biggest assett is your mind and the people you consider family, now is the time to make the most of it.



Welcome, wise Pisces, to a year that challenges you to do better than the best. You will always have big dreams with the aptitude and the appetite to fulfill them. This week is where you recenter yourself to understand what you truly want for yourself. Blessings from ancestors will always stay with you on your journey of finding your own identity.

Illustrations By: Charu Agrawal