© Pixabay Weekly Horoscope - 3rd week of December 2022

Your Horoscope For The Third Week Of December, 2022

Sheetal Dewan Kapur


Welcome to a week where money becomes the focal point. You’ll be making strong financial decisions for yourself and the people around you, Aries. For all you entrepreneurs, this is the perfect week to plan your business. It’s also perfect for you to start looking for new work. Just keep in mind that your decisions should be based on practicality and monetary success.


Dear Taurus, you need to start paying attention to how you want to be dealt with when it comes to your finances and your worthiness. You’re letting go of old patterns—you’re not going to give in anymore. Welcome to a week where you’re going to be asking for more, attracting abundance, being healthy, and taking care of your business like a boss.


Gemini, you’ve entered into a frequency where financial decisions need to be made. Listening to your elders will help. You’re extremely overwhelmed and the chances of making the wrong decisions, financially, are high. So be cautious and alert when it comes to spending your money. On the plus side, your home and your personal relationships bring in a sense of security, so have some fun.


Dear Moonchild, you enter into a week where you need to reevaluate your relationship with your partner, professionally and personally. Get ready, your values in regard to this relationship will change, and so will your goals. This week you’re going to be perceived in a new light by your loved ones, so it’s going to get emotional. A lot of these perceptions may not be to your liking, but don’t react. Just unwind and be who you want to be.


Welcome, Dear Leo, to a week where your schedule becomes very important, where you need to pay attention to your routine, and where your work is going to be based on the people that you meet. So, network. Family life takes a back seat since you’ll have no time for the little things. Spontaneous work travel will be on a high and new professional relationships will surface and lead you to financial success.


It’s going to be a week where emotions are running high, Virgo. You’re not going to trust your crew. Parents’ involvement may irritate you and you’ll feel that you’re surrounded by emotional idiots. Even though it’s disruptive on the personal front, professionally you’re entering into a beautiful phase of attracting like-minded individuals. So just make the most of it.


Communication is your biggest key and your weakest link, Dear Libra. You need to stop going out of your way and taking care of people; everybody will survive. Your attention should be focused towards your personal goals and your professional goals. You’re sitting in a marketplace where a tonne of networking will happen organically. This will help you create financial gains. So, don’t wait around, seize the opportunity and make it happen.


Dear Scorpio, welcome to a week where decisions need to be made on a personal matter. This time around you will be propelled to re-align your values in terms of what you want personally for yourself and set new goals with your partner. Pay attention to your finances and be thoughtful towards your investments. Singles, you need to have some fun and explore your ideas with your friends.


Dear Sagittarius, a certain sense of flirtatiousness is coming to the fore in your intimate relationships so enjoy this transition. Spontaneous plans are on the cards and you should follow through. Luxkily, your relationships will become an area of strength. As far as your professional responsibilities go, they will make you travel and learn new skills.


It’s time for you to communicate your thoughts in your intimate relationships without feeling guilty Capricon. Create a methodical approach to life. Your inability to express shall cause you some sleepless nights but the support of your family and children will sail you towards greener pastures.


Your fascination with symmetry, equality and emotional decision-making lands you into financial inconsistencies with your parents, your spouse, and business partners this week. On the social front, you will walk into that room and take charge rather than sitting on the fence. Even though there is financial success, decisions will be delayed. Short travels will keep you entertained, but listen to your instincts in matters of the heart.


Dear Pisces, challenging you will be impossible in matters that are close to logic and reasoning. Your perspective, however, will cause harm to friends and relatives who are close to you as your tonality is harsher than your words. Be gentle and speak with compassion. There is no benefit in helping another by being rude and dismissive. Your family will always support you in all your endeavours. Even financial matters will prove beneficial if you react positively towards feedback.