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Your Horoscope For The First Week Of December, 2022

Sheetal Dewan Kapur


Dear Aries, welcome to a month where confusion exits and in walks clarity. Make the most of this month by concentrating on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Neptune will give you the ability to harness your inner power and sharpen your approach towards dealing with intimate relationships. There is immense internal growth happening within you this week, so honour yourself.


Darling Taurus, you will be reevaluating your friendships and your ability to communicate in intimate relationships at the start of this month. You’ll also start seeing people in a clear light and not through your illusionary glasses. Drawing clear boundaries when it comes to personal relationships is imperitive this week. You also need to pay attention to your health and body. Remember to be fearless and accept yourself.


Welcome to a week where prosperity rules and clarity in regard to your professional success comes to the forefront. You’ve been meaning to take on a bigger role in your professional space and this is the perfect week to dive into it. Be authoritative, be clear, be constructive, and you will gain all that you’re vying for. Your network shall increase and your ability to create financial success is exponential at this point in time, so make the most of it.


Dear Moonchild, you’re going to question your values, your ideas, and your beliefs about your expectations in your partnerships and friendships. A part of you will not want to talk to your spouse or your best friends and stay alone, and another part of you will not want to leave for the fear of being lonely. Hang in there; this frequency will leave you and also allow you to strengthen your foundation in your personal space. Just don’t make any rushed decisions.


Family-based decisions will dominate your mind this week, Leo. Emotions at home shall run high and keeping up with expectations will exhaust you. Set clear boundaries with your children and your parents. On a positive note, you shall prosper in the workspace. Money shall flow and it’s time you secure it. Couples, it’s time to heal and let bygones be bygones. Work towards creating a constructive life.


Hello Virgo, decision-making doesn’t seem to be your forte. You’re sitting on the fence and waiting for somebody else to decide for you. December is all about taking the bull by its horns and looking deep into its eyes. All is well, your mind is overthinking and you’re creating confusion for yourself. Let go of your pessimism and procrastination. These are the two things that aren’t allowing you to move forward.


Dear Libra, this week you’re going to sit on a fence and watch everyone walk by,—your heart will say one thing and your mind another. This crossing helps you reevaluate your relationship with your mothers and elder siblings. Your spouse or partner will support you, so don’t ghost them. It’s time for you to decide whether you’re going to play the victim and overcompensate or if you’re going to take a stand for yourself. The power is always in your hand, use it wisely.


Dear Scorpio, you’ve been crying over split milk for a while now. December asks you to pay attention to the people in your life that hold meaning for you, and dismiss individuals that are random and don’t want to be there. Let go of the past. Allow yourself to let go of the toxicity and concentrate on your passions.


You will make clear decisions in regard to your family life this week. It’s the perfect time to plan a wedding and even a baby, if that’s on your mind. Your home routine will get more comfortable and less stressful. You’re also going to realign your foundation in your professional space. Think of this as a time when your curiosity and your desires will lead you to set new and improved life goals that you never thought you had.


Capricorn, be warned, there is trouble in paradise. Be cautious when it comes to trusting people because the context will be forgotten and the words will be magnified. Remember, hidden adversaries are at play predominantly on the home front. Your work will become your coping mechanism this week.


Dear Aquarius, your problem-solving approach to life and your positive behaviour moves you into a beautiful phase this week. Your determination is putting you in a fruitful position, financially and socially. The energies of the new moon will bring in opportunities for change on the work front. If you’re single, this is a great time to start meeting new people and forming new friendships.


Morning Pisces, don’t you start worrying about the unknown, the universe has a plan for you. Trust yourself and see yourself shine. December is all about internal expansion, and being able to say no without going on a guilt trip. Dismiss the outside world, honey, and just focus on self-love.