Roshni Bhatia© Roshni Bhatia

Roshni Bhatia On Her Summer Skincare Must-Haves And More

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Neha Karra

With countless beauty and fashion vloggers trying to make a name for themself on the Internet, Roshni Bhatia, AKA @thechiquefactor, has managed to carve a niche for herself ever since she made her digital debut nearly six years ago. Her core philosophy of marching to the beat of your drum and not blindly following trends has resonated with people and helped her amass hundreds and thousands of followers over the years.

The content creator dispenses beauty lessons and hacks for dealing with skincare issues, ranging from removing stubborn colours after a fun-filled Holi bash to fighting wrinkles. Now that the temperatures are rising steadily, we figured it would be a great time to pick Roshni’s brain about how she does it all and get some expert-approved tips on tackling the relentless heat.

In a candid conversation with HELLO! India, Roshni took us on a journey through her rise as a beauty content creator to look out for online, her Summer beauty must-haves and so much more. Read an excerpt from our chat right here…

In Conversation with Roshni Bhatia

HELLO!: Tell us about how you got started on the journey to become a beauty content creator.

Roshni Bhatia: “Fashion, according to me, has always been about styling. But as time passed, I started engaging with people and wanted to create videos single-handedly to share my understanding of this world of beauty and fashion. In 2018, I started my page called ‘The Chique Factor’. Initially, it was tough to arrest people’s attention and, it was just me and my sense of satisfaction that urged me to create videos. But as my community grew and I started getting messages from women about how good they felt watching my content, that motivated me to keep going. If somebody is watching my videos and feeling good, that fulfils my purpose of being in the digital space.”

H!: How do you strike a balance between trendy and authentic content?

RB: “I often ask this question to myself every second day. My key to this question is that a trend has to resonate and align with your core values as a content creator. I understand this dilemma, but when you have a strong base and your ideals remain non-negotiable, the process becomes easy. I will not do a trend only because x number of people have done it. It has to align with my ideals as a human being and as a content creator. In this ever-expanding digital world, a content creator needs to stay true to oneself.”

H!: The Internet often presents a distorted image of beauty and body positivity, with all its filters and curated content. How important is it to you to keep things real and have you ever felt the pressure to conform to these lofty standards?

RB: “Yes. I have left the pressure to conform to these standards. There are insecurities in everyone and I am no exception. I agree we have to change the way people have about the ideal that people have about the ideal beauty. But one should ask oneself what’s easy. To accept oneself as they are or tell the world what one has been imagining and idealising about beauty is wrong. A little tweaking is opted for by all, whether it is applying makeup or searching for adequate lighting before clicking a picture. However, one needs to understand that influencers and celebrities put a lot more effort into how they look on social media. The responsibility of maintaining transparency lies with us. One thing that I want people to understand is that comparing yourself to another individual is only going to harm your mental health and your overall wellness. “

H!: What are some beauty lessons you’ve learned as an online content creator over the years?

RB: “I am learning and evolving all the time. At times, I recycle and reuse what I have learnt previously. Staying relevant to the changing times and constantly updating myself about the changes happening in my area of interest is the key. An individual’s learning curve is never-ending. I have evolved over the years. It’s my primary responsibility as a human to adapt to changes my skin and body are undergoing. I may have worn a mini-skirt years back, but I will still wear it now in a way that aligns with the changes in my body. Something that aligns and highlights the changes my body has undergone in the past few years. Maturity only doesn’t refer to the wrinkles on your skin. It is about understanding that change is inevitable and an individual is beautiful at every stage of life.”

 H!: What are some beauty trends that you love and what are the ones that you cannot understand?

RB: “I am not an avid follower of trends. For me, trends are the same stuff packaged differently. Five years back, I loved the glass skin trend, but now I do not connect with it. Now, at this stage of my life, I prefer to have a more velvety texture. A trend has to resonate with me. It has to connect with my ideals as a content creator. However, I do not oppose the idea of experimentation. But you can always make a trend work for you by adding an element of you to it. Today every body shape, type, and skin color is trending, so everything is trendy. But more than feeling and looking trendy, one should feel confident in oneself.”

H!: There’s a never-ending debate going on between DIY age-old remedies and scientifically curated formulations. Which one do you stand for?

RB: “Like a balanced diet that should include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals, your skincare ritual should have a mix of DIY remedies and scientifically curated formulations. One should be very well aware of their skin type. In the present age, where climate change and pollution remain a concern, DIY remedies alone cannot solve all your skincare concerns. But in case, your skin is irritated or you have a pre-existing medical condition, it is always advisable to opt for dermatologically recommended products”.


H!: Now that we’ve officially entered the Summer season, what are the changes that you think people should make in their beauty and skincare routines?

RB: “A moisturiser, a cleanser and sunscreen remain my utmost non-negotiables during all seasons. However, their composition may change as per the season. During summer, your skin may need a water-based or a gel-based moisturiser. In winter, a cream-based with ceramides and peptides works well. But the need for a moisturiser remains inevitable. Use a good cleanser with AHA and BHA exfoliants like salicylic acid and glycolic acid to help fight skin buildup and facilitate better penetration of serums like retinol and vitamin C. Most importantly, use sunscreen at all times during the day, even at home, as the doors and windows of your place do not block the UVA and UVB sun rays.”

H!: If you could go back and give your 13-year-old self any beauty advice, what would it be?

RB: “I spent most of my childhood wanting to change things about myself. When I was 13, I was full of insecurities and shrouded in self-doubt. I would just tell the 13-year-old me to have faith in herself and trust her instincts. There is no way an individual can feel pretty at all times. Rather than looking pretty for a few clicks, focus on feeling beautiful. Because when you feel beautiful from within, you will eventually look pretty. How people look at you is their version of you and shouldn’t affect how you look at yourself.”

H!: What are you excited about for the future?

RB: “I am excited about everything that life has to offer to me. I want to be the best version of myself and enjoy every bit of content I make. I am always motivated to talk to women, I am excited about showing women how to feel beautiful, and I am excited to convey how I feel and the concoction of feelings I experience daily as a content creator.”