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This Viral Internet Theory Claims The World Ends On September 23

Senior Features Writer

If you had made brunch plans with your BFFs or booked movie tickets for the weekend, you might have to reconsider because the world could be ending on Saturday.

A viral theory that’s been making the rounds of the Internet claims that the Earth will be destroyed on September 23, 2023, much like how the world was going to be destroyed on December 21, 2012, and then on June 9, 2019, amongst many dates predicted to usher in the end of humanity as we know it.

But why are people so sure that September 23 is the chosen doomsday? Is there any merit to the theory? Should you ditch your resolution to eat better and order decadent chocolate desserts with a side of even more decadent chocolate desserts because nothing really matters since the world could end in a few hours? Read on to find out…

Everything to know about the viral September 23 doomsday theory

How did the September 23 doomsday theory become popular?

A worryingly large part of the Internet became convinced that September 23, 2023, could be the end of the Earth after TikToks about the conspiracy theory began going viral recently. According to these videos, numbers ‘9’, ‘2’, and ‘3’ have repeatedly shown up in pop programming, like movies and TV shows, over the years.

For instance, in movies like Seeking A Friend For The End of the World (2012) and Deep Impact (1998), the date of the asteroid crash on Earth is September 23. Moreover, in the movie Knowing (2009), the Earth was supposed to be struck by a massive solar flare that would end up destroying everything on the planet on, you guessed it, September 23.

The TikTok videos have collected more examples of the date being featured in movies and TV shows like Lost, The Big Bang Theory, Tomorrowland, Little Shop, Number 23, Sleepy Hollow, and more.

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What will happen to Earth according to the September 23 doomsday theory?

(DISCLAIMER: The following theories should be read with discretion. They are not scientifically backed and are unverified to date)

According to the conspiracy theorist side of the Internet, this is an example of predictive programming. If you’ve been online anytime in the past decade, you would be aware of this phenomenon. Think of all the viral screen grabs from The Simpsons which feature world events being predicted in the animated series.

Theorists claim that the government and other authorities use TV shows and movies to increase public acceptance of planned future events, such as whatever ‘they’ have planned for September 23, 2023.

Some people believe that ‘Project Blue Beam’ will be put into motion on the date. For those not in the know, it’s a theory originated by Canadian conspiracy theorist Serge Monast. It alleges that there’s a plot underway by NASA to bring the world under one totalitarian government by destroying all religions.

There are some who claim the recent discovery of alien bodies and UFOs will have something to do with this date. Back in 2017, renowned conspiracy theorist David Meade claimed that the Earth would be destroyed by the fabled planet Nibiru on September 23, only to be proven wrong by the Earth’s continued existence.

What do the experts have to say about the September 23 doomsday theory?

Unsurprisingly, scientists have dismissed the theory as a hoax and have urged people to not believe everything they read or see on the Internet. If there’s anything that’s actually happening on the date, it’s the September, or Autumn, Equinox. The astronomical event happens twice a year and marks the Sun’s movement across the equator from North to South.

So, it seems like your Monday morning meeting (which could’ve been an email) is still on, so put down your ‘End Is Nigh’ picket sign and get back to work!