© BTS & Beyoncé

Here’s How You Can Get BTS & Beyoncé In One Music Festival

Senior Features Writer

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Or is it an app on the Internet that allows you to create a line-up of your favourite musicians for an imaginary music festival? If you’ve been on any social media platform for the past few hours, then you would know it’s definitely the last one.

Instafest, an app developed by University of Southern California student Anshay Saboo, is taking over the Internet with its Spotify Wrapped-style display of all your most-played artists arranged in the form of a music festival line-up.

The graphic generator is here just ahead of the release of Spotify’s year-end personalised compilation of your music listening habits for the months gone by. You have to sign in to the app using your Spotify account and let it work its magic in figuring out your top artists for the year.

The app lets you select the style of poster you want for the final result and even calculates a Basic Score, depending on the popularity of the artists in your line up. So the lower your score, the more niche your imaginary music festival is. You can come up with a name for your dream music festival too.

Saboo revealed in an interview that he got the idea for the app after thinking about his ideal line-up of artists for Coachella. Luckily for him, there were millions across the world who were likeminded and within hours of the app’s launch, it became a trending topic worldwide.

He is now working on integrating other music streaming platforms, like Apple Music, with the app.

Have you tried the app yourself?