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What Your Birth Number Says About Your Fortune In December 2022

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Sanjay B Jumaani

How to calculate your number

Begin with your date of birth.

Reduce the date to a single digit, if you’re born on a double-digit date, by adding the digits involved. For example: If you’re born on the 12th of a month, your number is 1 + 2 = 3.


November was the month to lay low, but now is the time to rise and shine. You’re likely to not only financially recover but also gain some profits. It’s the right time to take calculated gambles, albeit at your own risk. Avoid overspending on unnecessary desires. Remember, a little leak can sink a great ship. Socially, too, this appears to be an eventful month. It’s the right time to make important life decisions. Moreover, 2023, your lucky year, is just a stone’s throw away.


Aim for your ruler, the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. This should be your mantra for December. The No.3-governed Sagittarius period is fast paced, so it’s your duty to maintain the chase. Your imaginative nature will fuel your creativity in these weeks, so try to capitalise on your talents. Hold all important decisions for a better period in 2023, your lucky year.


This month is Sagittarius-ruled, which is represented by your own No. 3. Remember, all eyes are on you, so make sure you’re worth the show. You’re likely to be relatively busier this month, which is a good thing. But remember to spend time with your family. Financially, it’s a good time to save and reassess your wealth. Don’t shy away from spending on luxuries, but be wise. On the health front, guard against breathing issues and over indulging.


Your heightened energy can raise your curiosity to learn more and make you implement those learnings in your work. Hence, December will be a month of research and development, as well as learnings and earnings. Quick-money schemes are not viable options for you, so don’t waste your hard-earned wealth on short-term or volatile mediums. Health wise, guard against breathlessness and issues pertaining to the lower body.


No. 5, Mercury (Buddh, which stands for knowledge) and No. 3, Jupiter (Guru, which stands for knowledge) are a fair match as they’re interconnected. And this Sagittarius- governed December happens to be ruled by No. 3. There could be a pristine flow of thoughts, and your wisdom may be the guiding light to you and your dear ones. You’re likely to be less impulsive this month, but avoid overspending. Instead, try mounting your reserves for a rainy day.


December seems like a good culmination to your year, 2022 (6), as your lucky No.3 (Sagittarius) month is underway. Your saved-up wealth will be put to good use now, as No. 3 is known to impart wealth management qualities. Your extroverted nature could help you make new friends. It’s a good time to make important decisions pertaining to marriage, career, health, property, etc.


Your eccentricity makes you creative and intuitive. No. 7s generally function strongly on the mental plane. December will fuel your desire to learn, so try venturing into new fields if you wish to. You are just a step (month) away from your lucky year, 2023 (No.7). Spouses and the unemployed should try to start a new innings. Maybe if you give importance to your hobby, you could find a new path and enjoy work, too. Those already employed will find themselves charged with renewed vigour.


The backseat has its own advantages, like comfortably enjoying the scenery rather than owning the wheel. In a nutshell, playing second fiddle won’t do you any harm. It’s also a good time to make important life decisions. Your finances could march upwards, and long-term investments could fructify, too. However, stay away from professional partnerships and quick-money schemes like trading or gambling. Those who are introvertish may kindle a bond or two.


December is here to add to your streak of gains, if any. In any way, this month won’t disappoint. Your incomplete tasks could see the light of the day. Finances could take a long jump, too. Allow your savings to stack up; don’t blow off your hard-earned money carelessly. Try to focus your energies on family matters. Those on the lookout for marriage, a new job, or a change in residence could get lucky on the go. Try to be more tactful and patient as it’s not always easy for others to understand your nature.

Disclaimer: While these properties are generic, all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you. Your zodiacal qualities may supersede some of your primary number’s attributes, too.

This has been adapted for the web from a story originally published in the December 2022 issue of HELLO! India. Get our copy of the latest issue right here!