© Hilda Baci Chef Hilda Baci

This Chef Cooked For 100 Hours Straight & Broke A World Record

Senior Features Writer

You know how sometimes you get into the mood to cook up a storm and pick a simple recipe you saved on Instagram to recreate, only to spend, what feels like, an eternity in the kitchen with results that are nothing to write home about?

Well, a chef in Nigeria actually spent 100 hours straight in the kitchen and set a new Guinness World Record while she was at it.

27-year-old Hilda Bassey, or Hilda Baci as she’s known on Instagram, cooked for 100 hours in a kitchen in Lagos, spending four consecutive days cooking 55 Nigerian dishes, including a variety of soups and rice dishes.

To meet Guinness World Records requirements, she was only allowed to take either a single five-minute break every hour or one hour break after working for 12 hours nonstop.

Baci had been attempting to break the record previously set by Indian chef Lata Tandon in 2019 where she cooked for 87 hours and 45 minutes.

The new record-setter was cheered on by the gathered public, which included some well-known Nigerian celebrities too.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari took to Twitter to praise the chef and laud her for her big achievement.

Guinness World Records released a statement saying that its Records Management Team will verify and confirm the new record set by Baci.

We know, by hard-earned experience, that spending even a few minutes in the kitchen can be daunting for most of us and we hope Baci gets her Guinness World Record confirmation soon for her amazing feat!